Slimpickins's Weblog

June 10, 2015

Tired of waiting

Filed under: Emotional Stuffs — slimpickins @ 1:37 pm

I wait for you and you are always too busy. I sit around and just wait and wait and wait for you and yet you never come to see me.

I get tired of waiting and I start doing and then you get upset with me for not waiting for you and always being busy.

You can’t have it both ways. Either you get to see me or you don’t; but I refuse to wait around for you. I have a life and I will live it alone with you if that is your choice. All signs point to me living life alone without you in it. I am sad, crushed and heartbroken, but I am strong and know that it won’t last long and soon I will be back where I was before I met you but with a small portion of my heart and soul missing that you will always have.

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