Slimpickins's Weblog

December 11, 2011

Hurts so good…

Filed under: Uncategorized — slimpickins @ 10:37 pm

I love so much it hurts. Does it get returned? Yes but in a different way. I feel like I have given all that I can give and I have nothing left to give. Somehow I would need to find a way to recharge my love (if that is possible). I want to give you everything, but there is nothing to give anymore and I don’t know what to do.

Hugs and cuddles are what I miss. How will I survive once you are gone for good? Will you leave me for good or somehow will you stay?

Lost loves, Death comes and nightmares

Filed under: Uncategorized — slimpickins @ 8:02 pm

When I think of you I cry.

When I think about you I am happy.

You brighten my day and darken my night.

You are my rock, what will I do with you?

Sadness overwhelms my heart and permeates my soul.

Nothing can be done, everything can be done.

Confusion is now a regularity.

Love and happiness are an illusion.

Warmth and comfort elude me.

Nightmares control my sleep and night.

Duty guides my day.


December 2, 2011

Christmas Wishlist 2011

Filed under: General Stuff — slimpickins @ 8:22 pm

Drinkware from UK
New tattoo
Teeth fixed/capped
Quilt square guides
Old iPod
Nintendo DS
Teatro Zinzanni dinner
Zombie hoodie (
Plush zombie pull apart (
Kinect and dance central, Zumba or party games
Xbox 360 kinect bundle around 2GB or more
Maid service 2 times a month
Organization service to help throw stuff out

HDMI Cable
Day at spa
Camping trip
Night out dancing

Brrrr it’s cold in here

Filed under: General Stuff — slimpickins @ 8:21 pm

Goodness… who turned off the heat? I know that I never turned it on at home, but it’s off at work and outside too. This is not fair to us cold blooded peoples.

No matter where I am I am frozen.

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